Cecilie Melli ss2015 backstage beauties

Thursday aug 14 2014 was the night of my first runwayshow ever! My label is turning 10 years this august and I wanted to celebrate it hugely. My friend Amar Faiz directed the whole thing. He was in charge of everything! He even came up with the brilliant idea of hosting it in The Vigeland museum with a natural grass runway for the models. I was all: yesyesyes!!!

The Vigeland museum was a stunning backdrop in the backstage area where all the action were.

My name of the collection were  ‘a midsummer night’s dream’ and my thoughts went to erie fairies with a beauty that was mesmerizing and could suddenly turn dark and scary. My collection were filled with beautiful lace and chiffon dresses but this tme with a little edge to it.

Madeleine from Blast PR made the guestlist and seating happen

Hair and Makeup were sponsored by L’Oreal. Eirik Thorsen were chief of hair and Jeanette Gjerde Olsen of make up.

We even developed a look for manicure to get the complete Cecilie Melli spring 2015 look. Samples of my new jewelry line were in house just in time

For the make up I wanted to go a little untraditional opposed to just beautiful. No liner or mascara with a lot of highlights on eyelids and cheekbones, to get the fairy look. Peachy for fair skinned and violet for dark skinned.

Eirik Thorsen working wonders

The multi talented Amar Faiz with his model Helene Hammer

Nina W

Flowerists from Mester Grønn worked from early morning to finish the amazing decor <3 br="" much="" so="" thank="" you="">

L’Oreal hosted a press launch for the next seasons skin care range

Choreographer Marianne Haugli put her signature on the show. Love her work!! Thank you Marianne!

Lil sis and Ida came to help <3 br="">

It’s show time!!

Thank you to everyone who made this happen!! This has been my long time dream  and it came true. I couldn’t and wouldn’t have done it without you. I love you all <3 br="">


WANJA Beverly Beautiful Wanja choose the Beverly gown from Claire Pettibone for her wedding day, and she was stunning in



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